- IQ Skills ai is a computer-generated group of standard cognitive learning process assessments that are age-normed and standardized from age 7 to adult.
- Our assessments increase in complexity as you progress and each assessment stops after repeated guessing. It is age-normed and standardized from age 7 to adult.
- There are 12 different 2 to 5-minute assessments. To date, it has been taken by over 40,000 students.
- A comprehensive 8-page report is automatically generated upon completion of the 12 assessments. It identifies your learning strengths, and the academic subjects + vocational areas that align best with your strengths. It also identifies any learning weaknesses and how they can be minimized/improved through specific classroom accommodations and simple exercise recommendations.
- The report is designed for students to share it with their parents, teachers, tutors, and academic advisors.